Welcome to the Fleet Blog

This Blog is written for the Fleet, by the Fleet. The 2011 Fleet is made up of thirteen able-bodied seamen and this blog tracks their adventures, home and abroad. Feel free to leave comments, have a laugh and enjoy the debauchery.

Forthcoming Fleet Events

  • 20/08/2011 - Summer Xtravaganza
  • 07/10/2011 - Leichtenstein Trip (Via Zurich)

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Saturday 5 February 2011

Test blog from iPhone using Blogpress

If this works, then gibbon dreamer needs to consider this app!!

YouTube Video

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Marathon Training Update - Week 1

Well, it's good to have a project as a learned gibbon friend of mine once said, and this is mine for H1 2011 - get into shape to run the marathon.  I will take the lead form the Gibbon Dreamer and post some bobbins so i can look back with pride and bewilderment in later years :)

You might think, "well this guy runs loads every week" (and some may also think that i am responsible for starting the parkrun (Stu and Craig!), alas no, i can run 5k in around 20 mins and 10k in around 42 mins, but i can't sustain a (decent) pace over the long haul, so i have subscribed to a 16 week class on Runkeeper.com to ensure that i can complete the Marathon is a respectable time as well as 'just complete the darn thing'. 

So, week 1 is now over :)  It's time to blog!

There will be 4 runs a week, but this means running on both Sat and Sun as well as Tues and Thurs.  Whilst the weekday runs are fine and dandy, the Sunday run is generally a longer (goes up to 22 miles at one point) one with the Saturday one varying between 4 miles and 9 miles across the 16 weeks.

This week it was nice and easy:
Day 1 (Sunday 30th Jan) - rest day - you dancer!
Day 2 - rest day - THIS IS EASY!!

Far too fast for my first run :(  That's almost 3hr marathon pace!!

Day 3 - 4 miler - no showers available at work, curtailing my lunchtime run, so i had to run home after work - some studio engeineering to my route meant that i covered off 4 miles just about exactly to my front gate.

This is the worst weather i have ever ran in :(

Day 4 (rest)

Day 5 - 5 miler - i swear that this was the most hurricane like weather ever.  I ran along queensferry road, it was totally rediculous weather to run in and i don't want to run in anything like that again.  Still TOO FAST!  I need to run at 8min/mile pace and slower at the moment, cant teach myself to run slower it seems :(
Parkrun route and a little extra to see me over the 4 mile line!

 Day 6 (rest)

Day 7 - argh, the Saturday Parkrun is only 3.11miles.  I needed to run 4miles and in the future i will have to run 5miles and above on a Saturday  - the race will be forced to take a backseat, but even though it was windy, i decided to run from the car to the start line, 0.4miles, and then run the parkrun (3.11miles) at sprinting speed (5k in 20m 40s, cause i'm tired!) and then  run back to the car (and a bit extra) to make up the 4 miles.  Again, i ran too fast, but this is because i was going for a good time - but i forgot about the howling wind!!

So, only three runs needed this week and the biggest of the week will always be the first one (the Sunday), tomorrow's 8 mile run is not going to be enjoyable.  I have mapped my route and it will take me to such delightful places as Granton and Craigleith as well as Muirhouse and the like.  Awesome :(

Tune in, in a couple of weeks or maybe just a week for more news on the training regime :)

Oh, and this was me after Day 3!!

It can only get better.  Surely!